Wednesday, March 16, 2011

day 21, recipe 19: Pesto Salmon Foil Packets

I did it again- ate too much for dinner & was left way unmotivated to put up the recipes I tried yesterday. Oops. However, I cooked a ton of stuff yesterday- 3 new things! Now, I'll finally be able to catch up on those missing days.

Recipe one was a salmon recipe. This was okay- boyfriend really liked it, I didn't hate it. Problem is, I realize why people put dill cream sauces on salmon fillets- to tone down the strong flavor. I think I forgot that when I decided to make this recipe so be warned- if you prefer to mask that fish taste, this probably isn't going to be a big hit for 

2                    fresh salmon fillets, about 6oz
1-3                 fresh tomatoes, cut into 1/4 inch thick slices
2 T                 olive oil
4 t                  pesto (you can use fresh, frozen, or storebought)
                      aluminum foil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Tear two sheets of aluminum foil big enough to wrap the salmon in and stack one on top of the other.
Sprinkle the olive oil in the center of the sheets and lay salmon side by side. Spread about 2 tsp of pesto onto each fillet and cover with tomato slices.
I sprinkled them with parmesan cheese too- I felt it needed it. Close the foil up, making sure to double over the ends & the sides. Place on a baking sheet and cook for about 20 minutes (salmon should flake when touched with a fork when it's done).
Remove from oven and let stand for 2-3 minutes- it'll be way hot. Serve over couscous!

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